UMR 7360 CNRS-Université de Lorraine
15 avenue du Charmois, B.P. 40, 54501 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex
Tel.: 00 33 3 72 74 47 20.
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics of Colloids and Biointerfaces - Environmental Physical Chemistry
Current research topics:
Quantitative and mechanistic analysis of the bioluminescence time-response of metal-detecting whole-cell bacterial sensors.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of metal speciation-complexation by molecular and (nano)particulate ligands.
Reactive transfer of metals to metal-accumulating biointerfaces: issues of metal bioavailability and lability of metal complexes.
Assessment of nanoparticles-bacteria interactions from the molecular to mesoscopic scale and applications in ecotoxicology.
Electrokinetics and electrohydrodynamics of particles and interfaces.
(Bio)molecular determinants of bacterial adhesion to biotic and abiotic surfaces, homotypic and heterotypic cell interactions.
Biophysical chemistry of bacterial interfaces.
Keywords: electro(hydro)dynamics of colloids, (bio)colloidal interactions, soft surface electrostatics, electrokinetics (electrophoresis, streaming potential/current, etc), atomic force microscopies and spectroscopies, metal biosensing, interfaces reactivity, theory.
Selected recent publications:
Bacterial capsular polysaccharides with antibiofilm activity share common biophysical and electrokinetic properties.
Bayard-Bernal, J.; Thiebaud, J.; Brossaud, M.; Beaussart, A.; Caillet, C.; Waldvogel, Y.; Travier, L.; Létoffé, S.; Fontaine, T.; Rokbi, B.; Talaga, P.; Beloin, C.; Mistretta, N.; Duval, J.F.L. and Ghigo, J.-M. Nature communications 2023. In press. -
Electrostatics of soft (bio)interfaces: corrections of mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann theory for ion size, dielectric decrement and ion-ion correlations.
Lesniewska, N.; Beaussart, A. and Duval, J.F.L. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 642, 154-168. -
Electrostatic effects on ligand-assisted transfer of metals to (bio)accumulating interfaces and metal complexes (bioavai)lability.
Duval, J.F.L.; van Leeuwen, H.P. and Town, R.M. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2023, 658, 130679. -
Electrostatics and electrophoresis of engineered nanoparticles and particulate environmental contaminants : beyond zeta potential-based formulation.
Gopmandal, P.P. and Duval, J.F.L. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 60, 101605. -
Exploiting catabolite repression and stringent response to control delay and multimodality of bioluminescence signal by metal whole-cell biosensors: interplay between metal bioavailability and nutritional medium conditions.
Delatour, E.; Pagnout, C.; Zaffino, M. and Duval, J.F.L. Biosensors 2022, 12, 327. -
Osmotic stress and vesiculation as key mechanisms controlling bacterial sensitivity and resistance to TiO2 nanoparticles.
Pagnout, C.; Razafitianamaharavo, A.; Sohm, B.; Caillet, C.; Beaussart, A.; Delatour, E.; Bihannic, I.; Offroy, M. and Duval, J.F.L. Communications Biology 2021, 4, 678. -
Chemodynamic features of nanoparticles : application to understanding the dynamic life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols and aqueous biointerfacial zones.
Duval, J.F.L.; van Leeuwen, H.P.; Norde, W. and Town, R.M. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 290, 102400. -
Decoding the time-dependent response of bioluminescent metal-detecting whole-cell bacterial sensors.
Duval, J.F.L. and Pagnout, C. ACS Sensors 2019, 4, 1373-1383.
- Analysis of bioluminescence produced by metal-detecting whole-cell bacterial sensors.
- Development of AFM-based strategies for addressing nanoparticle toxicity towards microorganisms.
- Dynamics of (di- and tri-valent) metals speciation in colloids and nanoparticles dispersions.
- Non-equilibrium transfers of metals to bacteria: bioavailability and metallic complexes lability issues.
- Nanoparticle-bacterium interactions addressed at the molecular scale.
- Electrokinetics of soft surfaces and (bio)interfaces, e.g. genetically engineered bacteria harboring specific surface phenotypes.
- Bipolar electrochemistry in electrokinetics of metallic surfaces.
- Bacterial adhesion and biomolecular determinants thereof.
Read more: https://duvaljfl.webnode.fr/research-activities/
The objective of my research is to analyze -through experiments and theory- the molecular to mesoscopic processes that govern the dynamics, fate and transformation of ionic and colloidal contaminants (metals, engineered nanoparticles) in aquatic media and, in particular, their interactions with living microorganisms. Specific attention is paid to the analysis of their intricate reactive transfers to bacterial surfaces and to their physicochemical interactions with the abiotic colloidal components of natural waters. The research contributes to better measuring and rationalizing, at a bio-physico-chemical mechanistic level, the chemical speciation of environmental contaminants in solution, their bioavailability and ecotoxicological impacts on the biota. The followed strategy is based on a multi-technique analysis -from the subnanometric to centimetric scales- of the colloidal and bacterial interfaces that affect contaminants eco-dynamics in aquatic media, which calls for interdisciplinary research allying physical chemistry, physics, chemical physics, microbiology and ecotoxicology. The currently tackled research topics where both experimental and theoretical aspects are combined, include:
- Analysis of bioluminescence produced by metal-detecting whole-cell bacterial sensors.
- Development of AFM-based strategies for addressing nanoparticle toxicity towards microorganisms.
- Dynamics of (di- and tri-valent) metals speciation in colloids and nanoparticles dispersions.
- Non-equilibrium transfers of metals to bacteria: bioavailability and metallic complexes lability issues.
- Nanoparticle-bacterium interactions addressed at the molecular scale.
- Electrokinetics of soft surfaces and (bio)interfaces, e.g. genetically engineered bacteria harboring specific surface phenotypes.
- Bipolar electrochemistry in electrokinetics of metallic surfaces.
- Bacterial adhesion and biomolecular determinants thereof.
Read more: https://duvaljfl.webnode.fr/research-activities/